Imagine the excitement when your mail arrives and your little one has his or her own special package from the Easter Bunny! Today’s DealPulp takes care of getting this special present right to your child for just $6 (shipping included)!
Your package, which is a perfect gift from Moms and Dads, grandparents, Godparents or other family or friends includes:
•Personalized Letter from the Easter Bunny
•Easter Bunny Stop Here! Door Hanger
•Autographed Illustration of the Easter Bunny
•Mailed in a pastel envelope with unique Easter designs
If you are new to DealPulp, I would be grateful if you sign up through my link HERE
Fine Print
Limit 3 per person. May buy 3 additional as gifts. Expires October 2, 2011. Free shipping included. Within 24 hours after the deal ends, you will receive an email with instructions for redeeming the deal on