O’Hara Spring Fair April 26th through April 30th Today 4/25 is the Last Day to Buy your Discount Presale Tickets!

Cardinal O’Hara High School 1701 S. Sproul Rd. Springfield, PA will be having their Spring Fair
April 26th through April 30th
Tuesday to Friday – 6:00 to 10:00 PM,
Saturday – 4:00 to 10:00 PM

Bring the family out for rides, games and more!

In lieu of a “Family Night”, they are selling advance discount tickets $25 per sheet/20 tickets and will be a different color from the tickets sold during the fair each advanced ticket, is good for 1 ride. You can get yours through the main office today, 4/25 by calling (610) 544-3800 from 10 AM to 3 PM. 20 rides for 25 bucks, that’s a great deal! (And they are also good at any other Lynam Amusement Carnival without expiration all year long) Any questions please contact Diana Goggin at (610) 789-5689 or Dianagoggin@verizon.net or Patty Dwyer at (610) 924-9390 or pattyanndwyer@aol.com.

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