Saturday August 20th, Linvilla Orchards will be having their Tomato & Pear Festival, hosted by Piccirillo Sciencetelling. Head out with your family for a fun filled day! Pick your own tomatoes and pears beginning at 8AM, visit with costumed characters (appearing at 11:30 am, 1 pm and 2:15 pm) and have a blast! Entertainment starts at 11:00am and features The Bugs of Blackwood Show; kids can Make and Take Home Slime and experience Liquid Nitrogen Graham Cracker and Dry Ice activities. There will also be a cooking demo by Susan DiBonaventura at 4 pm featuring dishes made with tomatoes and pears. (I have been to one of Susan’s cooking classes at her home and it was magnificent!) In addition, there will be hayrides, face painting, ice cream and more! Go HERE for details.
** In the event of rain, Rain date is Sunday August 21st.
Linvilla Orchards
137 W. Knowlton Road
Media, PA 19063