Local Coat Drive to Help Local People Stay Warm – Can You Help?


It’s the holiday season.  There’s no better time that I can think of to give something back to those less fortunate. 

Now through December 9th, Media Children’s House will be collecting coats as part of the One Warm Coat community service project.  They will be collecting coats of all sizes to give to men, women, children, toddlers and babies, which will be distributed for free to persons in need this winter season.  What a simple way to make a huge difference by donating any coats that are outgrown or no longer in need at your home. 

It’s easy to donate!  Simply bring your clean used coats to 3301 Concord Rd in Aston, PA  ( Across from the Aston Community Center)  from 8 AM to 5 PM. All donated coats will be given to the UAME shelter in Chester, PA for distribution to local people in need.

Thank you for your generosity during this glorious holiday season!



  1. I love these programs!

  2. Me too, Lisa. Such a wonderful way to give back to those less fortunate! Have a wonderful holiday and thanks for visiting Delco Deal Diva!

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