Local Weekend Events

Rubber Ducky Kids “Santa Shops Here” Holiday Event
November 19, 2011 from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
at Princeton Presbyterian Church, 933 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA (next to Bertucci’s).
This sale will feature Snowsuits, Snow Boots, Heavy Winter Coats, Hats, Gloves and Scarves, Holiday Dress Clothes (only), Dress Shoes, Books, Games, DVDs, CDs and VCR Tapes, Ride-ons, Bikes, Snow Toys, (ie. sleds, kids shovels, snowball and snowmen makers), Holiday Bedding & Toys. If you are interested in making some holiday money and consigning with Rubber Ducky, go HERE for information and registration. And be sure to become a Facebook Fan of the Rubber Ducky Kids Consignment Page to keep up on details of the event and future sales.

Cardinal O’Hara Craft Fair
Saturday, November 19th and Sunday, November 20th
10 AM – 4 PM Saturday and  10 AM – 3 PM Sunday
Cardinal O’Hara High School  1701 S. Sproul Rd., Springfield

First Baptist Church of Ridley Park Basement Sale
Saturday November 19th
9 AM to 2 PM
19 E Ridley Ave, Ridley Park
Clothing, housewares, toys, Christmas decor and more

Christ Church Christmas Fair
Saturday November 19th
104 Nevin Street, Ridley Park
9 AM – 3PM
Crafts, Christmas items, jewelry, baked goods, Santa and more

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