Week #4, the last and final stretch of our DietBet, is upon us. I have to say, the past three weeks have flown by! When I started the challenge, a month seemed like a long time; little did I realize just how soon it would be creeping up on me.
I had a fantabulous week! Down another 2 pounds, I now must lose a little more than 1.5 pounds to meet my goal. I am super excited that the goal is attainable, but I must admit I am a bit worried as well. Why? Well, over the weekend I developed a sore throat and ear infection. (Certainly not the way I planned spending the past 4 days). I have lost gym time and have started on some antibiotics and Prednisone to combat the infection. We all know that Prednisone has a terrible reputation for bringing on the pounds; I am certainly hoping with the small dose I will be tapering through the week that I will not be affected. Ugh. Just when my determination was highest – BAM! I was knocked right on my butt! Hey – no one said it would be easy, right?
My goal for this final week is to stay focused and on track with my food and hopefully feel well enough to put in some good workouts by the end of the week. I am really trying to give my body a few good days to recover, because I fear if I push myself too much, I may just relapse and not get the chance to exercise at all.
No matter what the outcome next week, I must say, I am truly enjoying the experience of DietBet. My fellow Mom Bloggers have been an inspiration all the way. (By the way, as a group we have already lost over 50 pounds!) This is such a great way to stay motivated, track progress and prove to myself that I can do this.
Stay tuned for the final results next week.
Kelly – The Turnip Farmer
Mary Ellen – James’s Project
Jennifer – Harmonic Mama
Dana – Single Mom in the City
Stephanie – A Grande Life
Joey – Real Mom Media