So, I just finished week #2 of my DietBet. I stepped on the scale yesterday to weigh in and – UGH I am up a pound! I really worked hard all week. I made it to the gym during the week, ate healthy and was doing fantastic – and then I spent a weekend at the shore with my friends. And there was food and wine and more food and more wine. I tried hard to stay on track. Unfortunately even with the best intentions, I never did fit a workout in over the weekend and let’s just say I drank one too many glasses of wine. I picked a little too (although I will say – it could have been much, much worse). When I say there was food around – well that is an understatement.
Then I returned home after a fun weekend only to get sidetracked again on Monday with preparations for my husband’s 40th birthday get together. Another day gone by with no gym time. Off to dinner we went and I was very, very good. I did order some sushi but I ate within my range and was quite proud of myself. I returned home to this staring at me:
OMG could it look any more delicious? My husband LOVES peanut butter and chocolate so I felt the need to bake him an extra special cake for this special birthday. Just when I thought I was good at resisting temptation and refocusing on my goals – here I was again faced with this ridiculously sinful treat. I could not help but slice a tiny piece to taste. It was a little slice of heaven. Damn you devil of a cake!
When I awoke the next day for my weekly weigh in, let’s just say the scale took one look at me, stuck it’s tongue out and proudly displayed one big fat pound that I gained.
Yet before I had even one second to feel defeated, I hopped off the scale and into my gym sneakers. I made the decision to get right back on track. I headed to the gym for a nice cardio blast on the elliptical then off to the store to pick up some food for my menu plan for the week.
I have fallen into the rut many times before where I would simply give up when the going got tough. This time is different – I made a bet to myself and my fellow blogger competitors that I can lose 4% of my weight before March 6th. And I have made up my mind that it is exactly what I am going to do – for me – because I deserve this!
Check back next week to see how the rest of this week worked out.
Kelly – The Turnip Farmer
Mary Ellen – James’s Project
Jennifer – Harmonic Mama
Dana – Single Mom in the City
Stephanie – A Grande Life
Joey – Real Mom Media