Why I Need The Reviewers Treat

Like a tiny fish in the sea, my blog is one of millions, if not billions, around the world. When I first started blogging, I had no idea just how big that sea really was. Swimming amongst the millions can be very challenging. In the beginning there are so many little things to learn that it is almost impossible to comprehend just how much goes into making a blog flow let alone stay afloat. I am purely amazed that after almost a full year of blogging, there is still an entire sea of knowledge waiting for me.

On the top of my priority list is to attend my first blogging conference. Last summer my excitement at the idea of attending my first conference began building. I relish the idea of meeting bloggers from all over the country and learning everything I can to better my blog. Unfortunately, my dreams came to a screeching halt in October when my husband lost his job and we were left scrambling to make ends meet. Over the past few months, many things have had to be put on the back burner due to finances. My husband is finally back to work, but it will still take a little time before we catch up from the months without steady income. But I have to admit – I still continue to dream – and hope- that maybe, just maybe I will get my chance to attend a great blogger conference this year. Maybe.

The 2012 Reviewer’s Retreat, which is being sponsored by Pampers, is being held at the Great Wolf Lodge in Charlotte, NC on June 3rd-5th. How wonderful would it be to have the opportunity to attend this amazing conference? Not only would it be a perfect first conference, but it would give me the guidance I need to bring more reviews to my blog and help me to better communicate with brands, fellow bloggers and my readers. Every opportunity to better my blog and get my name out there in the wonderful world of blogging really gets my heart pounding. My passion and excitement for blogging has already far exceeded my wildest dreams. Now I just need the support and guidance to take it to the next level. Reviewers Retreat is the perfect mix of what I am looking for in a conference;  I would embrace the opportunity to learn from the many brilliant and seasoned bloggers who will be presenting.  Besides, what’s the fun in dreaming if you do not keep hope that with enough passion it may one day come true…

I have applied for the 2012 Reviewers Retreat Presidential Scholarship. One chosen blogger will receive a pass and lodging to Reviewer’s Retreat 2012. The winner will be announced at the #RevRet12 Twitter Party on February 29, 2012. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed! I hope you will too!

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