$20 for $40 Worth of Contact Lenses and More

Eversave has a ton of great deals going on today.  If you are a contact lens wearer, you will definitely want to check out today’s featured deal from 1800anylens.com, where you can get $40 worth of contact lenses for just $20

Today’s Save: 1800anylens.com

$20 for $40 worth of contact lenses from 1800AnyLens

Bonus Save: FusionPowerBandz

$12 for two Fusion Dual Hologram ion bracelets + free shipping

Bonus Save: Cate and Chloe

$29 for earrings or a necklace, or $49 for both from Cate and Chloe

Bonus Save: PixWraps

From $29: One or two 16 x 20 gallery-wrapped photo canvases from PixWraps + free shipping

Bonus Save: Knork

$20 for $60 worth of two-in-one flatware from Knork

Bonus Save: Easy Slim Wrap

$32 for an Easy Slim Wrap Kit plus free shipping

Bonus Save: Swarovski Stud Earrings

$2 for a pair of Swarovski stud diamond earrings from Crystal Gem Jewelry

Bonus Save: Super Gadgets – Seven-Piece Accessory Kit

$19 for a seven-piece iPhone/iPod accessory kit in six colors

Bonus Save: Parents Magazine

$5 for a two-year subscription to Parents magazine

Bonus Save: Hotel Indigo

$99 for a one-night stay at Hotel Indigo Dallas Downtown

Bonus Save: Ethos Skin Care – Eye Treatment

$25 for a bottle of SEE Dark Circle and Puffy Eye Treatment by Ethos Skin Care

Bonus Save: Monthlys.com

$11 for three gourmet marshmallow treat bags from Monthlys

Bonus Save: LuckyVitamin.com

$10 for $20 worth of nutrition and wellness products at Lucky Vitamin

Bonus Save: Holiday Inn San Jose Downtown Aurola

$240 for a three-night Costa Rican stay at the Holiday Inn San Jose Downtown — Aurola

Bonus Save: Robert Matthew

$69 for a Lustrous Tote from Robert Matthew + free shipping!

Bonus Save: Passportica

$5 for two passport photos plus free shipping from Passportica

Bonus Save: Coola Skincare

$15 for $30 worth of organic sunscreen and skin care products from COOLA

Bonus Save: iChameleons

$10 for an iPhone 4/4s hard credit card case with free shipping from iChameleons

Bonus Save: Strappys

$15 for $30 worth of decorative bra straps from Strappys

Bonus Save: Hotel Indigo

$99 for a one-night stay at Hotel Indigo at the Alamo

Bonus Save: Your Store Online Magnetic Mesh

$15 for two deluxe magnetic mesh screen doors

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