Menu Plan Monday: What’s Cookin’ at Our House this Week

Monday – Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breasts, pierogies, veggies

Tuesday – Crockpot Chicken Sausage, Multi Colored Peppers and Onions with Spaghetti Sauce Served over Brown Rice

Wednesday – Turkey Meatloaf, Mashed Baby Red Potatoes, veggies

Thursday – Crockpot Stuffed Peppers, Brown Rice

Friday – Leftovers

I’m linking this up at I’m an Organizing Junkie


  1. Good morning!! Happy Tuesday to you!! I coming over from Orgjunkie. You have some yummy recipes I see, I hope you all enjoy the Chicken Sauage tonight! I love Crock pot meal 🙂 I’m having a Chicken Bruschetta Bake for dinner tonight, can’t wait. Have a wonderful week. Latrice xxxx

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