With school getting ready to begin, we will be spending lots of time in the car heading back and forth to school, heading to sports and packing snacks and lunches for school. It’s common at my house to throw a few snacks and juice boxes in my bag so that I do not have to worry too much about refrigeration. Juice is not always my drink of choice for my kids, but in many cases it is my go-to drink since I do not always have the convenience of refrigeratoion on the run. Milk Unleashed to the rescue! This shelf stable single serve milk is perfect for busy families on the go! Simply grab a drink and go – and say goodbye to those infamous sippy cups filled with not so cold milk.
Milk Unleashed has created a really cool blog app with on the go snack ideas, games and quiz! Check it out:
To help you and your family get ready for back to school and to try Milk Unleashed for yourself, Milk Unleashed wants to give you the chance to win four cartons of shelf stable milk (two white and two chocolate) from Hershey’s, La La, Horizon and Organic Valley as well as a cow stress ball and information on shelf safe milk! Simply fill out the easy Rafflecopter form below. Winner will be drawn on 9/8/12
Disclosure: In exchange for this post, I will be receiving 4 cartons of shelf stable milk from Milk Unleashed. All opinions are my own.
The free wheeli family
We’re a Free Wheelin’ Family- but really it’s penciled in that way. 😀
Dashboard Reward sounds like a lot of fun!
sounds like a good idea
I like Dashboard Reward
kopperkirlz at yahoo dot com
dashboard reward
Dashboard Reward!!
Futuristic Fam-Tastic 😉
free wheelin’ family
m8usi at yahoo dot com
dashboard reward!
I like Cookie Tasting
Quiz Results: Future Fam Tastic
Dashboard Reward
I like the Cereal Picnic idea!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
We’re a Free-Wheelin’ Family!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Dashboard Reward!!!
Futuristic Fam Tastic!
Dashboard Reward
Futuristic Fam-Tastic
dashboard reward!
radeeolover at yahoo dot com
Ready Freddy Fam!
radeeolover at yahoo dot com