History Channel’s The Bible Blog App & $15 Walmart Gift Card #Giveaway

I am excited to share the news with you that The Bible Series will be premiering on the History Channel beginning on March 3rd 2013 and will air on Sundays at 8PM!  Watch as stories from scripture come to life in this gripping and powerful new series. 

From Executive Producers Roma Downey and Mark Burnett comes The Bible — an epic 10-part miniseries retelling stories from the Scriptures for a whole new generation. Breathtaking in scope and scale, The Bible features powerful performances, exotic locales and dazzling visual effects that breathe spectacular life into the dramatic tales of faith and courage from Genesis through Revelation. This historic television event is sure to entertain and inspire the whole family!

Where will YOU be 3.3.13?

Why not have some fun with this cool blog app as you countdown the days until the series begins?

I also have a fun giveaway to share with you!  One lucky Delco Deal Diva is going to score a $15 Walmart Gift Card!

Entering is easy – Simply fill out the easy Rafflecopter form below!  Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post.  I was provided the above materials and information from the History Channel in promotion of the upcoming release of The Bible Series.


  1. I got 90% correct

  2. I look forward watching scenes of David and Goliath

  3. Got 68%.

  4. David & Goliath and birth of Jesus.

  5. I got 76%

  6. I want to see the birth of Jesus

  7. 47%

  8. I got 68%, I guess I need to brush up on my Bible study!!

  9. I’d like to see the story of Samson and Delilah and also the birth of Baby Jesus.

  10. I am looking forward to watching the show. There is so much to learn from the Bible and this will be great to see it in action!

  11. only 36%

  12. Jessica To says:

    I got 70%.

  13. Jessica To says:

    I would like to see the Last Supper.

  14. I got an 89%
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  15. I am most excited to see The Resurrection
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  16. walking on water.. id like to see that!

  17. I got 49%

  18. I look forward to the 10 commandments

  19. 86 % debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  20. 42%

  21. My score was 52%

    (d schmidt in widget)

  22. I am looking forward to David & Goliath

    (d schmidt in widget)

  23. I am excited to see the story of Moses
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  24. I got 86%
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  25. I got 69%- better than I expected!
    CrystalW07 at aol.com


    I got a score of 75% on the quiz.



    I’m looking forward to watching the birth and Resurrection scenes. Thanks 🙂


  28. 77 percent

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  29. I scored 55%, not too good at all

  30. I want to see the birth of Jesus

  31. i got 52%

  32. I got 79%
    805chick7 at gmail dot com

  33. I got 49%

  34. I got 62%

  35. The last supper!

  36. I scored 62%


  37. I scored 50%…not too proud of that.

  38. I’d love to see the Prodigal Son!

  39. I scored 90%.

  40. I scored 76%

  41. I scored 39%

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  42. the birth of jesus


  43. I am excited about the parting of the red sea.

    Entered the rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”
    Thanks for the chance to win!

    wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com

  44. I scored 70%

    wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com

  45. I scored 63%

  46. I’m looking forward to the story of Moses.

  47. I got 81%

  48. The birth of Jesus

  49. I am excited about David and Goliath

  50. this time an 80%

  51. noahsark

  52. I got 68

  53. I am looking forward to see Esther.

  54. 100% thankyou,Ken pohl19@comcast.net

  55. I got 64% – Heather Mckenzie Carter

  56. The birth of Jesus is the moment I am most looking forward to seeing. -Heather McKenzie Carter

  57. I scored 89%

  58. The last supper

  59. Brianna Ashley says:


  60. Brianna Ashley says:

    I have already started watching this and look forward to learning more. There is no one scene I want to see more then others but so far I like what I’ve seen.

  61. 74% was my quiz score. I missed 2 I think

  62. Moses and the burning bush

  63. 83% I need to watch this series!

Thank you for reading, please share your thoughts:


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