Disclosure: I will be receiving the same prize pack as listed below. All opinions are my own.
BUGS! BUGS! BUGS! Yep – the girly Mom that I am – I will tell you they totally creep me out. My son on the other hand thinks they are the most interesting creatures ever!
“Daddy longlegs are poisonous.”
“Mosquitoes prefer adults over children.”
“Ants can survive underwater.”
I have heard a million and one statements from my son about bugs over the years. Figuring out which is myth vs. the truth – well that is right up his alley!
Orkin has this fun Scientific Fact or Scientific Fake™ Quiz that you can take, which will test your knowledge, and keep you up to date on the scoop about these infamous bug myths. (My son is going to love this!) Click on the link below and try out some questions for yourself!
Orkin uses the latest technology and unparalleled training to develop a treatment that’s right for your home and your needs. To learn more about pest control that’s based in science or to schedule an inspection, visit orkin.com or call (844) 503-8251.
Orkin Facebook Page: facebook.com/OrkinPestControl
Ask The Orkin Man® Twitter Page: twitter.com/AskTheOrkinMan
Orkin YouTube Channel: youtube.com/user/OrkinVideo
Alrighty then – Who wants to take the Scientific Fact or Scientific Fake™ Quiz App Quiz and enter to win an awesome Orkin Prize Pack?
The Orkin Scientific Back-to-School PRIZE PACK includes:
– Clip-on Fisheye Lens (iPhone, Galaxy, Android compatible)
– Orkin On-the-Go Drink Tumbler
– Orkin Drawstring Bag
– Orkin “Field Notes” Notebook w/ Pen
Go ahead and take the Orkin Scientific Fact or Scientific Fake™ Quiz then head to the easy Rafflecopter below to enter to win this cool prize pack! One lucky winner will be selected on September 10, 2014. Please note: Each household is only eligible to win One (1) Orkin Fact or Fake School Pack via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.
Good Luck!!!!
I got 2 out of 5 right…..sure did a lot worse than i thought i would lol.
Twitter: BrewResponsibly
I got a 4 of 5 on the quiz!
I got 3 out of 5 correct
I went to Mexico one year and saw the biggest bugs I have ever seen… they were on the ceiling and around the shower where we were! It was nasty!!!
Twitter: taryn221
I didn’t do so well, only 2 out of 5, but it was a fun little quiz!
Twitter: taryn221
I live in Florida, so bugs are everywhere! Not sure if spiders count on this post, but the creepiest encounter I had was being bitten by a brown recluse spider.
I got 3 out of 5
Creepiest bug was some kind of millipede and yuck! those millions of legs creep me out
We were in Alabama and we saw lizards. I usually don’t see them around here in NJ!
I scored 2 out of 5
3 out of 5 was mine
After my skylights were replaced, we found a very large cockroach. I didn’t know they could be that long.
I got 3 out of 5.
i got 2 out of 5 correct
I got 3 out of 5
Twitter: ElaineIsaacs2
I know a lot of bugs do good, but I hate them in the home, no matter small or large they have to go. 3 out of 5 for me.
Twitter: ElaineIsaacs2
The biggest bug I found was a large millipede i have never seen one like that before and hope to ever again
Twitter: myflower121870
sorry to sat 3/5 back to the drawing board lol
Liza Vladyka recently posted…iPad Mini 2 giveaway
Twitter: myflower121870
in the house we moved out of their were flying ant type things nest in my daughters room outer wall
Liza Vladyka recently posted…iPad Mini 2 giveaway
I got a score of 3 out of 5.
Praying Mantises freak me out!
I got a 3 out of 5, but I found the app so informative. I had to yell out the ant fact to my kids and we were all shocked!
I have had many interesting bug encounters. Bitten by a praying mantis, made friends with a very large moth that would not leave my finger through an entire tractor pull at the fair, and recently saved a leaf bug from a spider web and it showed it’s appreciation by jumping into my bra.
I scored 5 out of 5 correct on the quiz.
Twitter: tedricotink
I got 5 out of 5 because I’m a darn good guesser.
Twitter: tedricotink
Is a scorpion a bug? I saw one on our patio in The Lake of the Ozarks Missouri and they are NOT supposed to be in that area. I had a hard time going outside the rest of the trip and I wore my shoes everywhere I went. YUCK!!
I did pretty good — 4 out of 5 correct.
I got 4 out of 5 of the answers correct.
The creepiest bug that I ever encountered was a potato bug in my living room. It was huge and looked like a space alien. When I approached it….it turned and stared at me and didn’t move. This monstrosity was huge and still gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about that thing.
I got a 5/5.