Menu Plan Monday – What’s Cooking at Our House This Week


First off, thank you for your patience with me over the past two weeks. Due to some personal matters I had been limited in posting over the past week. Despite the fact that I did not post, I did continue to follow a meal plan during both weeks and boy was I grateful as sometimes meal planning feels like my only constant (and often my lifesaver at the end of these unpredictable days).  Schedules have been exceptionally heavy over the past two weeks and I can finally take a deep breath now that we are through and on to less chaos going into this week! I have been enjoying the change in weather over to a cooler, more fall like pattern and I am looking forward to adding more oven baked meals and pots of soup to the menu in the upcoming weeks!  Here is what we have planned this week:

Monday – Slow Cooker Ham and Crushed Pineapple, oven roasted garlic and herb potatoes, steamed veggies

Tuesday – Open faced ground turkey patties with marinara and mozzarella served over a potato bun toasted with garlic, butter and parsley and served with a side salad

WednesdayChicken & Stuffing Casserole, light Caesar salad

Thursday – Leftovers

Friday – Out to dinner with my family

Grilling this Week? Be sure to check out these simple grilling tips and how a quick trip to Swiss Farms can help you get a quick and easy meal together for your family in a snap!

I’m linking this up at I’m an Organizing Junkie

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