Menu Plan Monday – What’s Cooking at Our House This Week


Now that the fall chill seems to be steadily settling in, I really need to start digging out some crockpot-friendly soup recipes.  If you have any favorites please do share in comments. My son unfortunately is so picky when it comes to mixing foods that I will still have to figure out meals with leftovers so that he can have a meal of his own when we are enjoying hot piping soup! Last week I shopped for a ton of meats so I am planning out meals that I can cook ahead or pop in the slow cooker and they will be hot and ready whenever we can squeeze in time to eat! (Oh the joys of afterschool sports and extracurriculars!) Here is what we have planned this week:

Monday – Ground Turkey Chili with a side of cornbread

TuesdayCheryl’s Fancy Pants Chicken, rice, steamed veggies

Wednesday – Lasagna Roll Ups, Italian Turkey Sausage

Thursday – Turkey Kielbasa with sauerkraut, beer and applesauce in the slow cooker served with pierogies and steamed veggies

Friday – Boneless BBQ chicken wings, baked French fries, baby carrots and dip


I’m linking this up at I’m an Organizing Junkie

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