Menu Plan Monday – What’s Cooking at Our House This Week

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It’s Valentine’s Week and here at our house it’s a tradition to order heart shaped pizza for the kids and I cook a nice meal at home for me and hubs.  I like to avoid the hustle and bustle of going out to dinner on Valentine’s Day and gladly exchange for a quiet dinner at home and some good old fashioned family time.  The rest of the week is pretty hectic so I will definitely take advantage of one uneventful night with my loves this week. Here is what is on our menu:

Monday – Steakhouse Style Petite filet of Beef, homemade mashed potatoes, roasted balsamic brussel sprouts

Tuesday – Lobster tails, shrimp, baked potatoes and asparagus for me and hubby, Heart shaped pizza from Emilio’s Pizza for the kids

WednesdayMelt in Your Mouth Chicken, Rice, steamed veggies

Thursday – Leftovers

Friday – We have a swim meet after school so I will be packing sandwiches for dinner

I’m linking this up at I’m an Organizing Junkie

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