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This week I am bringing the menu plan back! It has been a few weeks since I have posted a menu plan. It is not that I have not been menu planning, but it has definitely not been the traditional menu plan. Last month my husband traveled for work several days 3 out of the 4 weeks of the month. During those days I used up leftovers in the freezer, random leftover lunch items, eggs, and made dinners out of various items in the pantry and freezer. A few nights we took advantage of kids eat free nights or stopped over my parents’ house for a quick bite. There wasn’t much consistency so it was quite difficult to write up a meal plan that made much sense. I tried as hard as possible to eat at home whenever possible and to limit take out and for the most part I did a pretty good job. During that time we also went to Disney for 4 days and enjoyed a quick trip to the parks. Disney in 4 days is quite the whirlwind trip but I am so glad we had the opportunity and had a wonderful time making magical memories with my family. This month we have been pretty consistent with our meal plans as well. It’s been a bit crazy as far as schedules with both kids on swim team and my son in the marching band. Evening practices have been taking up a good portion of the week the first 3 weeks of June so I have been cooking meals in advance that we are able to reheat easily since every body seems to be eating at different times. I have a feeling this will be the norm most of the month of July as well so I decided that menu planning should be a priority and I am back again with my regular planning! If you have any favorite tips or recipes, please do share! I am always open to new ideas! Here is what is on our menu:
Sunday – Grilled Hamburgers, pasta salad
Monday – Korean Beef and rice, steamed veggies
Tuesday – Grilled Chicken, buttery garlic noodles, steamed veggies
Wednesday – Sandwiches – To – Go (my daughter has an evening swim meet)
Thursday – Grilled Thin BBQ Pork Chops, Scalloped Potatoes, steamed veggies
Friday – Date Night Dinner