Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Upper Darby Summer Stage and Upper Darby Performing Arts Center.

Audrey Shaw of Drexel Hill as Mrs. Cartero, Tommy Barnes of Havertown as O’Jay D’Art, Samantha Gregori of Havertown as the Hollywood Agent, and Jack Williamson of Boothwyn as Stanley Lambchop. Photo credit; James Mergliano
Upper Darby Summer Stage is back with another delightful season of shows and this summer is kicking off with “The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley Jr”! Beat the heat as you gather up the kids, grab your tickets and head over to Upper Darby Performing Arts Center for a show that is sure to be perfect for the whole family!
Upper Darby Summer Stage kicks off its 43rd season with “The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley, Jr.” Based on the beloved children’s book written by Jeff Brown, the musical tells the story of Stanley Lambchop, everyone’s favorite two-dimensional hero. Featuring infectious songs and non-stop adventure, this production is a perfect introduction to the magic of theater. Performances are July 3, 5, and 6 at 10:30 am and on July 5 at 7:30 pm at the Upper Darby Performing Arts Center.
Stanley Lambchop (Jack Williamson of Boothwyn) is an ordinary boy seeking adventure and a change from normal life. After wishing on a shooting star, Stanley’s bulletin board falls on him making him flat as a pancake. This gives him the opportunity to easily travel the world in an envelope. Throughout his travels, he meets the mail carrier, Mrs. Cartero (Audrey Shaw of Drexel Hill), the Hollywood Agent (Samantha Gregori of Havertown), and in France meets O’Jay D’ Art (Tommy Barnes of Havertown). In the end, Stanley realizes how much he misses his family and friends and learns that heroes can be any shape or size.
“The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley, Jr.” director Mimi Warnick speaks about the show. Warnick said, “’Flat Stanley’ has been a children’s series that people have grown up with for over fifty years. The timeless characters are made relevant in this fun, bright, and hilarious story that takes the audience on a trip around the world.”
“The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley, Jr.”
Travel around the world with your favorite flat friend!
July 3, 5, and 6 at 10:30 am and on July 5 at 7:30 pm
at the Upper Darby Performing Arts Center, 601 N Lansdowne Ave, Drexel Hill, PA 19026
Tickets are affordably priced at $8-$12 and members of The Upper Darby Performing Arts Center save $1. Tickets may be purchased at udpac.org or by calling the box office at 610.622.1189
Parking is FREE
The show is approximately 60 minutes long, making it perfect for ages 4 and up!
Free babysitting is available in the lobby offered for those who may be too young to sit quietly through the entire show.
A Summer Stage show is a unique experience. Young audience members are invited to come early to performances to participate in fun pre-show activities and stay after the show to meet cast members. Autographs and pictures are encouraged!
For more information about “The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley, Jr.” and Upper Darby Summer Stage’s 43rd season visit udpac.org.
The Upper Darby Performing Arts Center and Upper Darby Summer Stage are jointly sponsored by Upper Darby Township Mayor and Council and the Upper Darby School District Board of School Directors through the Department of Recreation and Leisure Services.
Ticket Giveaway
Win a family four pack for “The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley, Jr.” at Upper Darby Summer Stage! Enjoy everyone’s favorite two-dimensional hero who has a new life on the stage! Filled with infectious songs and non-stop adventure, Flat Stanley Jr. is a perfect show to introduce your family to the magic of live theatre! Tickets are for Tuesday morning, July 3, 2018 at 10:30am . To enter, please enter via the easy Rafflecopter below. Feel free to complete one step on the Rafflecopter (free entry) or as many as you like for additional entries. Winner will be chosen on Friday June 29th at 12 AM. Good Luck!
About Upper Darby Summer Stage:
Upper Darby Summer Stage celebrates 42 seasons empowering young people and entertaining families. Each season the program presents six dynamic Children’s Theater productions and one professional caliber Mainstage production.
Summer Stage offers programs for students beginning at age 10 in the Theater Bugs program and has participants up to age 28 in the Mainstage productions. Programs available include Theater Bugs (10-11 yrs.), Magic Makers (11-12 yrs.), Rising Stars (12-13 yrs.), Children’s Theater (14-17 yrs.), and Mainstage (18-28 yrs.). Summer Stage also offers an outstanding technical theater program for students ages 14 to 18.
Upper Darby Summer Stage is not only a great place to see a spectacular show, but also a great place for students to grow as artists and as people! Visit udpac.org for more information.
Twitter: mbrackin75
My kids love Summer Stage!
Twitter: mbrackin75
We already have our tickets for The Little Mermaid Jr!
Twitter: GGTweets1
Would love to win.
Twitter: GGTweets1
Really need some Hannah time. Miss her so much! This would be a great time spent together. Thanks for the chance.