Menu Plan Monday – What is Cooking at Our House This Week

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Well, call me a summer slacker!  I wrote up a menu plan for the week this week and dropped the ball yesterday when I completely forgot to post it!  This week is a little extra crazy with the kids schedules so I am giving myself a pass on this one – but I’m hoping by the end of this week to be a little more organized and back on track again next week!

Here is what is on our menu:

Monday – Veal Parmigiana, Healthy Harvest egg noodles, steamed corn, snap peas, broccoli and baby carrots

Tuesday – Grilled Italian Turkey Sausage Links, Grilled Peppers and Onions, leftover noodles for the kids, Rice for hubby and me, Corn

Wednesday – Sandwiches – To – Go (my daughter has an evening swim meet)

Thursday – My daughter has a swim party with friends and my son is lifeguarding at the party so they will be having dinner at the pool; hubby is coming from a work meeting and will be eating there so I will probably just make do with any leftovers I can pull together from the fridge.

Friday – Pizza for the kids, Salads for hubby and me

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