6 Tips for Traveling with Toddlers

Please join me in welcoming our sponsor, Dana Zificsak of Magical Moments Vacations, who is guest posting today with some awesome tips for traveling with toddlers. Let’s face it – traveling with toddlers can be intense! The key to helping the trip go as smoothly as possible is to be prepared!  As a Mom who has been traveling with her son since he was a baby, Dana has some wonderful input and tips that she has found can truly make a difference when traveling with your little ones.

Tips for Traveling with Toddlers

1- If flying, bring a large lightweight scarf in your bag. This makes a great makeshift pillow, blanket, sun shade, or privacy curtain.

2- Snacks, snacks, and more snacks on the plane. Share! Everyone around you will thank you!

3- If you have a toddler that’s nervous about flying, riding park attractions, or sailing on a cruise ship, make a point to “play with intention” a few weeks before your trip. Watch fun videos online of coasters, play “Pilot” with toy planes, and buy a toy cruise ship for bath time. These activities can lessen the stress of the unknown and make it more normal even before you travel.

4- Lightweight backpacks for kiddos are better than wheeled suitcases, as it can keep their hands free to hold on to railings or your hand. Just remember wet wipes for dirty hands, because they will touch everything!

5- If self-flushing toilets are a source of anxiety for potty-training kiddos, then bring along a pad of self-stick notes. Place one sticky note over the wall sensor and it won’t flush automatically until you remove the note when finished.

6- When at a Disney resort, pack a nightly “Mickey Mail” box for your child to find every morning. You can pre-purchase small toys, t-shirts, princess gear, stickers or other items that will keep your kiddo entertained throughout each day and put it in a cute package as a surprise in the morning. Carry some of the goodies with you to use during the day. This might help to prevent the “Can I haves” while in the parks. (And can save quite a bit of money!)


Dana is a top agent with Magical Moments Vacations. She specializes in Disney and Universal Orlando plus Sandals and Beaches Resorts in the Caribbean. She plans family’s vacations full time, is a member of her agency’s Advisory Board and is also the agency’s Education Coordinator.
With over 35 personal Orlando vacations and over 650 vacations booked for clients, she knows how to help families make the most of their vacation. There is no extra fee to work with her. You pay the same booking with Dana as you would booking on Disney or Universal’s website. The difference is you get all of her advice and experience to help you make the most out of your vacation investment. Payment plans are available for most vacation packages.
She can be found on Facebook at www.facebook.com/mmvdana
You can email her at danaz@mmvagent.com
Learn more about Dana and request a free quote at her webpage www.magicalmomentsbydana.com



  1. I totally agree with those tips you shared specially in bringing toys cause I believe it’ll be a great help. Thank you for sharing this.

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