FREE Screening Passes to See Spies in Disguise at United Artists Riverview on Saturday 12/14/19

Thanks so much to Allied Philadelphia for providing free passes for my family and my readers!


Spies in Disguise is coming to theatres on Christmas Day, December 25, 2019 and I have a limited number of free first come, first served screening passes for our Delco Deal Diva readers for a special screening at United Artists UA Riverview Plaza Stadium 17 & RPX 1400 South Columbus Boulevard Philadelphia, PA Saturday, December 14, 2019 at 10 AM! What a fun way to spend a Saturday morning with your family and I hear that the voice cast, which includes Will Smith and Tom Holland is absolutely amazing!


Super spy Lance Sterling (Will Smith) and scientist Walter Beckett (Tom Holland) are almost exact opposites. Lance is smooth, suave and debonair. Walter is … not. But when events take an unexpected turn, this unlikely duo are forced to team up for the ultimate mission that will require an almost impossible disguise – transforming Lance into the brave, fierce, majestic… pigeon. Walter and Lance suddenly have to work as a team, or the whole world is in peril. “Spies in Disguise” flies into theaters this Christmas.

Have you seen the trailer yet? If not, take a sneak peek:

Would you like to be one of the first to see a screening of Spies in Disguise?

Lucky for you we have a special link with a select number of first come, first served screening passes for our readers!

Spies in Disguise (Rated PG)
Screening Date: Saturday December 14, 2019
at United Artists UA Riverview Plaza Stadium 17 & RPX
1400 South Columbus Boulevard Philadelphia, PA

10:00 AM (Arrive as early as possible – at least 30 min to 1 hour before screening as seats are first come, first served and not guaranteed)

To Download First Come, First Served Screening Passes – Please Visit: and use code SpiesDDD

**There are a limited number of passes available for the screening. Once the passes have been claimed, the link will note that the screening is full.

*Please note: If you do receive a screening pass, RSVPs do NOT guarantee seats at the screening. If theater is overbooked, seating is filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Guests are encouraged to arrive early. You and your guest must enter the auditorium together.



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