In compliance with Philadelphia’s anticipated city-wide curfew, all dates for Movies on Broad have been cancelled.
Refunds will be issued automatically at point of purchase. For any questions regarding tickets and refunds, please contact the Wells Fargo Center Box Office at WFC-CustomerService@comcastspectacor.com.
Halloween Horror Lovers and movie fans, you are in for a real treat!
This week, the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia announced the launch of Movies on Broad, a socially-distant, in-arena movie experience. Movies on Broad will take place within the arena’s seating bowl and feature films on its recently-installed, massive center-hung scoreboard. The Wells Fargo Center anticipates launching a number of themed movie weeks as part of the Movies on Broad series.
Kicking off with a “Fright Week” series October 28th to November 1st, the upcoming Halloween-themed schedule of films will feature flicks sure to give fright fanatics and families alike a chance to safely enjoy their favorite seasonal movies on the arena’s expansive scoreboard while social distancing in its spacious lower level. Additional fun elements will include themed food and drinks, spooky sights and creepy characters throughout the arena.
Multiple movie times are available per day, including two midnight showings for horror movie lovers ready for a late-night scare. On Halloween day, Movies on Broad is offering a five-movie marathon from noon to midnight (each showing ticketed separately).
Guests will be seated in blocks of two, four or six spread out widely across the arena to allow for social distance measures as well as extra room for comfort. The overall capacity of the arena will stay well within the city’s recent recommended guidelines for an indoor facility. A limited number of Wells Fargo Center suites will also be available for purchase for a group of up to six people per suite. Each of these luxury spaces comes complete with a private bathroom, TV, and special food and beverage options available for pre-order.
Safety protocols will be in place. In accordance with city guidelines, all patrons attending Movies on Broad will be required to wear a mask at all times except while eating and drinking from their seats. Social distancing practices will be facilitated by the event layout and on-site staff.
In partnership with NBCUniversal, Movies on Broad will tap into Universal Pictures’ iconic library of films, including popular thrillers such as “Bride of Chucky” and 2018’s “Halloween.” Additionally, family favorites such as “Casper” and “Back to the Future” are slated to show in celebration of their respective 25th and 35th release anniversaries. The schedule also includes two themed double features. On Wednesday, October 28, Movies on Broad will screen a Hitchcock double feature with “The Birds” and the 60th anniversary uncut restoration of “Psycho.” A Jordan Peele double feature is set for Thursday, October 29, for Peele fans to enjoy 2017’s “Get Out” and the 2019 feature “Us.”
“We hope with strong public interest surrounding “Movies on Broad: Fright Week,” we will be able to launch additional movie weeks throughout the fall and winter,” said Camillo. “It is our goal for Wells Fargo Center to once again fulfill its role in delivering safe and fun entertainment options to the city of Philadelphia.”
The current lineup of films is scheduled as follows (all movies ticketed separately):
Wednesday, October 28 | Hitchcock Double Feature
- 6 p.m. – The Birds (1963)
- 9 p.m. – Psycho – uncut (1960) – 60th anniversary
Thursday, October 29 | Jordan Peele Double Feature
- 6 p.m. – Get Out (2017)
- 9 p.m. – Us (2019)
Friday, October 30
- 6 p.m. – The House with a Clock in its Walls (2018)
- 9 p.m. – The Invisible Man (2020)
- Midnight – Bride of Chucky (1998)
Saturday, October 31 | Halloween
- Noon – The House with a Clock in its Walls (2018)
- 3 p.m. – E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
- 6 p.m. – Casper (1995) – 25th anniversary
- 9 p.m. – Halloween (2018)
- Midnight – Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Sunday, November 1
- Noon – Back to the Future (1985) – 35th anniversary
- 3 p.m. – Casper (1995) – 25th anniversary
6pm / 9pm / Midnight – $15 for adults, $12.50 for children.
Noon / 3pm – $10 for adults and $7.50 for children.
Double Feature Discount (Oct. 28-29): $25 for adults, $20 for children.
Suites are available for purchase at a flat rate of $250 for up to six people. Each of these luxury spaces comes complete with a private bathroom, TV, and special food and beverage options available for pre-order.
Tickets are extremely limited and available for purchase now on a first-come, first-served basis at MoviesonBroad.com.
For lower level blocks of more than six people, patrons should contact the Wells Fargo Center Box Office at WFC-CustomerService@comcastspectacor.com
You are sure to be in for a frightfully good time!